Friday, September 3, 2010

man vs food vs taste vs 'merica vs man vs food

i can understand some crude, baser-level humor. i think that's obvious.
but the show "man vs. food" showcases gluttony.  harmful overindulgence is portrayed as heroic; a man on a mission.
can you imagine his intestinal tract?  no, i mean it...imagine it.

what do you tell people you do for a living?
"  Oh, well I travel around America tasting some of the most unique foods in the world.
But the deal is, I have to eat a lot of it.  I mean a lot.  I mean to the point of rupturing parts of myself.  Sometimes there's a race to beat the clock, so I have to work reeeeeaaaalllllly hard then.
Not only that, I have videographic evidence of my masochism!  Isn't that great?...What do I get out if it?
Uh, a T-shirt.  Like the one I'm wearing.  Can't you read?"


it's just odd to watch somebody get paid to participate in first human-compile experiment.

he seems like the type that would google himself.
dude, if you want the blood to stop showing up in your stool, put yourself on a magnesium regiment and don't eat anything for two years.


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