Tuesday, December 27, 2011

gift cards

has anybody found their $5 gift card yet?
there's always one that ruins it for the rest of them.

Monday, December 19, 2011

like a cat tied to a stick that's driven into frozen winter shit - the ability to laugh at weakness

my cat is gone. didn't come back thursday evening. it has hailed once and rained several times since then.  probably safe to say he's gone the way of the dodo.  no point in a grown man going on about his missing cat.  that'd be odd to say the least.

please don't think i'm one of those cable-knit sweater wearing folks.  i don't consider myself one of those "pet parents".  at least i think i'm not.  i can't bring myself to even pick up dog shit when walking the dogs, if i walk the dogs at all.  there is, however, a nice elementary school up the street.  the makeshift football field serves as an excellent depository.  

 i'm not even a cat person, though i radiate cat guy.  Sushi was actually a substitute child for an old relationship.  she wanted kids, i wanted not-kids.  not-kids sounded so much easier on the spirit, pocketbook, and intestines. we had been apartment dwelling for years and neither of us had the time or energy for a dog.  a damn cat just seemed practical and potentially mindless.  
after The Great Schism i was granted full custody of the damn cat.  she wanted nothing to do with Sushi.  not that i blame her.  Sushi had it in for her.  there had been various attempts on her life - but the cat lacked thumbs and funding: the true weapons of a killer.  

i guess the point is this: don't own cats.